Austin Housing Finance Corporation
East Austin Redevelopment Tracts
The Assignment
The Austin Housing Finance Corporation selected Adisa Communications to lead the community relations effort around the development of city-owned land on Tillery Street and on Gardner Road – both tracts in East Austin.
The Adisa Team Solution
The Adisa team developed a cohesive and consistent brand for the two projects, developing websites, messaging, and a meeting strategy for public involvement meetings. During the pandemic, the team hosted the City of Austin’s first-ever virtual public involvement meetings using Zoom and Public Input in English and Spanish. Additionally, printed packets were made available at a nearby retail pharmacy. The Adisa team also placed neighborhood yard signs advertising the project and the upcoming meetings.
The Result
Following the first round of meetings, AHFC reported the highest level of participation in their experience. The Adisa team is currently planning a second round of meetings for AHFC.