Team Adisa Proudly Celebrates Two College Graduates, One Undergraduate
Adisa Communications is in the business of making things clear. Today we celebrate three clarity-making and inspiring team members who truly embody the Adisa values of Clarity, Creativity, Connection, and Caring. Most importantly, as we say internally, they truly are showing their genius through their educational pursuits and while making invaluable contributions to our organization.
Naiya Antar is a Project Assistant at Adisa Communications who has been with our firm for one year. She’s entering Prairie View A&M University and is majoring in Mass Communications. During her time with Adisa, she has developed skills in community relations, communication pathways, strategy development, and market research.
“I was given the amazing opportunity to be a part of a national campaign to end voter suppression,” said Naiya. “I met national heroes and gained experience in the inner workings of what it takes to change our government.”
Favorite Quote: “Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.”
Damian Pantoja is the Outreach Coordinator at Adisa Communications. He recently graduated from Purdue University with a Masters ofScience in Communication and Leadership. Damian joined our team in April 2021.
“Graduating with a Master’s no longer became about my success, but a pathway for students in my community to see someone who looks like them progress in life,” says Damian, when asked about this achievement. “I did not do this for the money or the job growth. I took the chance to show my community that we can be first-generation students and attain a higher degree. My goal in life is to blossom where I am rooted.”
Favorite Quote: “Sometimes your work is to create the exact thing for others that you wish would have been there for you when you needed it.”
Karmella Green is a Sr. Project Assistant for Adisa Communications. Along with Damian, Karmella joined Team Adisia in April 2021. She graduated from Huston-Tillotson University in 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. On graduating from Huston-Tillotson, Karmella says, “Graduating from college is not just about me. My family, my friends, my community, and HT faculty made this journey of education and enrichment possible. This means more to me than I can put into words, only action.”
But being able to obtain her degree from the oldest institution of higher learning in Texas (and a private HBCU at that) is only the beginning of her success story.
“After dropping out from a predominantly white institution, I convinced myself that I just wasn’t made for college,” says Karmella. “Fast forward to 14 years later, paying my way through school and graduating with honors, I know that was a lie that I only told myself because I was afraid of my own light. It doesn’t matter how you start, just start. And once you’ve started, just remember you’re capable enough to finish. This wouldn’t have happened without my strong support system. My family, my friends, my neighbors, my professors, my employers, my community, and even this city were behind me. I appreciate every opportunity this accomplishment has afforded me now and in the future.”
About Adisa Communications: Adisa means ‘one who makes himself clear’. It’s who we are and what we do.
We create communications solutions that allow you to move your brand or product forward with integrity.