AISD Equity by Design Long-Range Planning
The Assignment
Adisa Communications was engaged to facilitate community communications during AISD’s Long-Range Planning (LRP) process that utilized an Equity by Design methodology to address disparities, support equitable decision-making, and to have those decisions driven by community data.
The Adisa Team Solution
The Adisa team worked closely with both AISD staff and the Equity by Design leaders from DLR Group to:
- Facilitate communications for community engagement/input and the LRP committee meetings
- Support community engagement
- Develop materials to support the Equity by Design concepts and LRP committee members in their work
- Develop a written record of the process
The Result
Successful outreach and education about the LRP and Equity by Design process resulted in parents, community members and students actively participating in the process alongside district staff. Through the hard work of committee members, the LRP established and elevated data-driven priorities in seven key areas that were then delivered to the AISD Bond Steering Committee to develop a 2022 bond package. The Committee accepted the LRP committee members’ recommendations and incorporated them into the bond package to put on the ballot.